Paths to the future

We care about people and the Earth,
and act in ways that can do good for the Earth together with the friends we make through food.

Bird Friendly® Coffee Program

We participate in a program that helps preserve traditional and sustainable farming methods and supports commercial farms while protecting migratory birds that use the farms to rest. At Bird Friendly® certified farms, coffee is shade grown, organically farmed and all harvested by hand. A single cup of coffee is connected to the environmental protection of land far away in Central and South America. We have been selling Bird Friendly® certified coffee since 2006 with the desire to see this program grow along with its delicious coffee. A portion of the profits are returned to the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, which founded the program, to fund its research.

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Doi Tung Development Project

The formerly lush mountainous region of northern Thailand was deforested and degraded due to slashing and burning to cultivate opium poppies. “The Doi Tung Development Project” was established in 1988 by the “Mae Fah Luang Foundation,” which was founded by the Thai royal family, to restore the natural landscape and support the self-sufficiency of local residents. The project works to plant coffee and macadamia nut trees to replace opium poppies, regenerate the region’s forests, improve living conditions and realize economic self-sufficiency. We discovered this project that benefits both people and the land when we launched our business in Thailand, and have been supporting it since 2009 through sales of high-quality coffee and foods made together with people in the region.

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Woman’s Hand Project

This program was established by Asobagri (Asociación Barillense de Agricultores) of Guatemala to support women’s self-sufficiency and improve their social status and economic conditions. We support this program, which began with the goal of assisting women producers, and were the first company to sell its new certified coffee in Japan. We started the initiative together with local producers in 2012.

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San Patrignano

At “San Patrignano,” situated in the hills of Rimini in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, people recovering from drug addiction live together as a family. Leading Italian specialists in various fields provide technical guidance for this community. When we visited, we were impressed by the positive energy, acquired skills, courage and motivation of the community members seeking to return to society. We admire and appreciate their ambitious spirit to get back confidence and start a new life despite difficult circumstances, and are supporting them through wine sales.

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Camel Farm Winery

We are pursuing production of world-renowned wines in Nobori-cho, Yoichi, Hokkaido, with the goals of showcasing the unique blessings of nature found in Japan and revitalizing the local community as well as protecting its environment. We are advancing food traceability by integrating the chain of processes from grape cultivation and winemaking to distribution within our group.

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Chocolaterie Camel

Bean-to-Bar means that all processes from selecting the cacao beans to making and packaging the chocolates are integrated and completed in our atelier. Cacao beans grown by producers committed to quality are hand-crafted by chocolate artisans into premium chocolates.
By highlighting the unique sensory profile of the cacao beans to make exceptionally delicious chocolates, we aim to connect the producers and customers to increase the stability and prosperity of local cacao farms.

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